The Lost Lenore: Fleurs & senteurs
The Lost Lenore: Constructin humaine
The Lost Lenore: Construction humaine
The Lost Lenore: Constuction humaine
The Lost Lenore: Coeur politique
The Lost Lenore: Construction humaine
The Lost Lenore: Au loin.
The Lost Lenore: Construction humaine
The Lost Lenore: Construction humaine
The Lost Lenore: Autour du monde..
The Lost Lenore: By the sea.
The Lost Lenore: Marrés.
tierialain: 20160325_204802
tierialain: 20160319_093305
tierialain: Diva, first shot with the Gs7.
tierialain: 20160320_105948
tierialain: Petit matin sur le port.
tierialain: 20160511_081837
Aurex_F: Reflecting spring
Dean Raphael: Just One Moment
tomms: There only so much you can control in this life
Valentin le luron: "Un rêve sans étoile est un rêve oublié" (Paul Eluard)
d26b73: incoming train
OR_U: I am frozen by desire
Wilkof Photography: Autumn Exposure [EXPLORE: 12/6/15]
albert dros: In Peace
Pietro Faccioli: Somewhere under the rainbow
Jasrmcf: Pentax k-s1 50mm