Maria Fernanda Photo: Ready to fly
Maria Fernanda Photo: ⚡️🌊 #tagHim
Maria Fernanda Photo: Cheers for more weekends on cool places
Maria Fernanda Photo: @gavinbeschen808 hiding in caves
Maria Fernanda Photo: Mirror walls
Maria Fernanda Photo: One from last Friday, shooting with the @xterrasurf boys. Thankfully it wasn't as cold as I thought it was gonna be
Maria Fernanda Photo: Do what you love and you will never have a problem with Monday
Maria Fernanda Photo: @nathan_florence in a late March swell
Maria Fernanda Photo: Let your words be few and your exposures many
Maria Fernanda Photo: Missing this beauty
Maria Fernanda Photo: Feliz cumpleaños!!!! So proud and happy to see the man that you have become! The guy that I wanna kill most of the time but For the only one that I would kill for! Who would have thought that you are like the big brother now and that you take more care o
Maria Fernanda Photo: Sharing peaks ✌
Maria Fernanda Photo: Click on the link on my profile, to check out this really good article "A Not-So-Pretty History Lesson on Women in Surf Photography" on @theinertia by the creator of @thewspc ✌
Maria Fernanda Photo: Grand exit for a busy day!
Maria Fernanda Photo: Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still
Maria Fernanda Photo: The best dreams happen when you are awake
Maria Fernanda Photo: Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted
Maria Fernanda Photo: Can't wait for some warm Mexican barrels this summer! #tbt
Maria Fernanda Photo: Don't try to follow other people's path. You have your own story to play.
Maria Fernanda Photo: Afternoon colors
Maria Fernanda Photo: When you go through deep waters I'll be with you. Isaiah 43:2
Maria Fernanda Photo: Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed. - Mahatma Gandhi 🌎 Happy Earth's Day 🌍
Maria Fernanda Photo: And the weekend is here!
Maria Fernanda Photo: She can laugh at the days to come!
Maria Fernanda Photo: Shallow waters are noisy; deep waters are silent
Maria Fernanda Photo: Anyone can shoot chaos. But he most perceptive photographers can make compelling pictures out of uninteresting moments. - Alex Teharani
Maria Fernanda Photo: Monday Blues
Maria Fernanda Photo: Happy Resurrection Sunday
Maria Fernanda Photo: Dramatic exit
Maria Fernanda Photo: Friyay ⚡️