the bridge: 1969 Gran Torino GT convertible 6/8/11
Michelle Pimental: Northern Flicker
Michelle Pimental: Male Tree Swallow
Dazed81: Baby Raccoons
matthias.foto: Raccoon sitting on the forest floor
klrusch56: Raccoon
marlin harms: Raccoon
blindhogmike: Fearless Raccoon DSC_8922
gseloff: No Angel
my soul: DSC_1855_cr
my soul: DSC_3175_cr
cintia scola: Hummingbird at home
cintia scola: Dec 25th and 26th 2019
cintia scola: Dec 25th and 26th 2019
cintia scola: Dec 25th and 26th 2019
cintia scola: September 12th 2020
cintia scola: September 12th 2020
Viktor Honti: DSC_4835a
Michelle Pimental: Juvenile Common Tern 1
Michelle Pimental: Juvenile Red Tailed Hawk
Michelle Pimental: Black and White Warbler 2
Michelle Pimental: Piping Plover Fav
Michelle Pimental: Prairie Warbler 2
Michelle Pimental: Yellow Warbler
Michelle Pimental: A friend in need...
Michelle Pimental: Horned Lark