里卡豆: Taipei 101|700m (2300ft) 合法空拍 NOTAM A1195
里卡豆: 金剛大道弓形銀河|台東
Ivan Kurmyshov: Singapore
Sleg21: Taipei City at dusk
里卡豆: 富士山|Fujisan
DJOBurton: Byōdō-infa Red (DSC0801)
draken413o: Universal Pride
Ryansly: The city night.
2h.s.: Hong Kong Taxi
TaiNg17: 維港兩岸(Victoria Harbour)Hong Kong
AndyYeungPhotography: Compact City
albert dros: Looking up
JDHuang: Empire State Building
►CubaGallery: business
van*yuen: Just another day of HK
Yuga Kurita: Tokyo Dark Night
Chih-Yao Chang: 0IMG_1092
JDHuang: 台北信義區
meghimeg: Dovrei usare la scala?
draken413o: Mirrors Edge
^soulfly: * in silence *
Jazpar: ... infinite walk ...
Jazpar: ... the eye ...