U.S. Pacific Fleet: 240619-N-NR343-1590
Paul Rollison: Poised to strike!
Steffen Walther: Baltic polar lights
KaAuenwasser: Schnell weg
alainclement: Dusk at waterhole - Crepuscule au point d'eau
NicoleW0000: Fox in the Clovers
Jarek S. "Jerry": Water rail
SASPhotography67: Soggy Mondays…
CHenagulph: Amongst the Clouds
Michel Roesink: Zwarte specht - Black woodpecker - Dryocopus martius
alainclement: Early Osprey fishing
Carolien114: Zwartkeelmango & Blauwbuikamazilia - Black-throated Mango & Steely-vented Hummingbird
eric-d at gmx.net: Golden Eagle
Matt Osborne (MrLeica.Com): Nikon F3 camera (New Blog Post!)
PMBrem: Osprey. Aviemore, Scotland
Dave Pley Wildlife Photography: Eagle confrontation
jjb film: ...Downtown blur...
bdr.dpcove: High Key Hippo Yawn, Chobe P5105889
Al Greening: Elephant, Zambezi River, Botswana 9877.22n
blogmywildlife: Grand-duc africain (Bubo africanus - Spotted Eagle-Owl)
Thomas Retterath: My place!
Sumarie Slabber: Mine is bigger than yours
Carolien114: Geparelde dwerguil - Pearl-spotted Owlet
:.. Robin Explore ..:: Bateleur juvenile - Gaukler
Mark Hulbert: Pride of Lions in Morning Fog