Alister45: 31289 Pitsford
Alister45: 31452 Bishops Lydeard, 20/7/07
Alister45: 31463
Alister45: 31465
Alister45: 31108_2
Alister45: 31601 Kidderminster 6/10/12
Alister45: 31412
Alister45: Picture 004
Alister45: Picture 005
Alister45: 31142 Manchester Victoria
Alister45: 31229 Blackpool North, 1410 to Liverpool, 16/8/92
Alister45: 31432 at sunny Llandudno, 4/7/93 with 1506 ex-Crewe
Alister45: 31465 Bristol TM. 17/10/13
Alister45: 31427 OC May 2003
Alister45: 31437 Meldon Quarry
Alister45: 31457 arrives at Bradford-on-Avon 26/3/88 with 1O32 0630 Cardiff-Portsmouth
Alister45: 31130 stands frozen at Taunton 9.12.87
Alister45: 31180/296 stand at OC 10.5.88
Alister45: 31416 Carlisle 27/7/90
Alister45: 31278/223 Colchester 25/2/84
Alister45: 31467 Bath Road 1987
Alister45: 31457 at Portsmouth with 1V62 1210 to Cardiff
Alister45: 31427 Appleby 27/7/90, 1516 Carlisle-Leeds
Alister45: 31454 Bishops Lydeard, 20/7/07
Alister45: 31415 and 31437 await the end... Meldon Quarry, 20/10/07
Alister45: 31128+31452 lead the 1Z30 0850 Minehead-Weymouth through Bruton, 26/8/07, with 31454. The train returned shortly after having reversed at Frome.
Alister45: 31454 heads through Brewham with the 1Z30 0850 Minehead-Weymouth, 26/8/07, having reversed at Frome.
Alister45: 31101 steaming away nicely at Oldland Common, 29/10/15, 1100 from Bitton. This was it's first week with it's boiler back in order and very warm it was too!
Alister45: 31128 enjoys a summer soaking at Bishops Lydeard, 20/7/07