Now an unusual sight on the Severn Beach branch, 153325/369 get ready to depart Clifton Down, 11/12/18, with the 2137 Temple Meads-Avonmouth
73961/963 make an unusual sight at Bristol Temple Meads, 20/9/18 with the 1Z10 0939 Victoria-Margam East, day one of GBRf’s ‘Out of the Ordinary’
87002 makes it’s first appearance at Paddington after arriving with day one of GBRf’s ‘Out of the Ordinary’, 20/9/18
150001 slows for the stop at Clifton Down as 66090 waits for the road with the Brentford-Severnside ‘bins’; this train often runs in daylight hours on a Sunday. 05/08/18
Birmingham Moor Street, 05/11/18, 68008 has just arrived with the 1110 ex-Marylebone as 68013 readies for departure with the 1255
W43002 and 43156 at Paddington, 13/11/18. Two HSTs side by side are now more and more infrequent
43194 at the helm of the 1800 to Paddington, Bristol Temple Meads, 14/9/17.. the end rapidly approaches
68001 on the rear of the 1804 ex-Norwich at Great Yarmouth, 8/9/17. Probably the last one here in any form of daylight
On the last weekend of 150 operation on the Severn Beach line, 150926 on the 1516 from Avonmouth waits for a late running 150101 to clear the single line at Redland with the 1516 BTM-Severn Beach. 1/7/17
Nearing the end of it's time on the route, 150926 leaves a steamy Clifton Down with the 1434 Bristol TM-Avonmouth
68017 hangs on the rear of the 1Z68 0818 Kings Cross-Carlisle at Appleby, 20/5/17, as 88002+68025 recess the 1Z39 0635 ex-Didcot Parkway