born1945: Daily Visitor
born1945: Flood Waters Rolling In
born1945: Osoberry Starting To Bloom
born1945: Willow Cuttings
born1945: Early Morning Reflections
born1945: Tracks on the White Board
born1945: Morning Colors
born1945: Planter Boxes for the Native Plant Sale
born1945: Squirrel Trying for the Bird Feeder
born1945: Find the Pheasant
born1945: Black Tail Deer in the Wetlands
born1945: Sharpy by the Birdfeeder
born1945: Hummingbird and 4 Chickadees
born1945: Black Cottonwood Flowers
born1945: Bee on Willow Flowers
born1945: Garter Snakes
born1945: Flooded Trails
born1945: Lake Jackson Bottom
born1945: Robin in a Bush
born1945: Robin Leaving the Bush
born1945: A Lady in Boots and a Red-winged Blackbird
born1945: Flood Water Debris
born1945: Moss
born1945: Red-winged Blackbird
born1945: Oregon Junco
born1945: Chestnut Backed Chickadee
born1945: Golden-crowned Sparrow
born1945: 2 Anna's Hummingbirds, Females
born1945: Anna's Hummingbird Male
born1945: Bee on Oregon Grape