terrygray: Jun12,2019 DSC05384 Flower Crab Spider with a leaf hopper
myu-myu: Common Kestrel
tarboat: Coke car
RU COOL: Atlantic-Shores_news
vantagehill: Lake Newport
orencobirder: Bushtit
waynehavenhand1: Whinchat
hearman: Coot
hearman: Great Horned Owl
RNBWS Birder: Long-finned pilot whale, Globicephala melas
Team Hymas: River Traffic
Team Hymas: Female Red Winged Blackbird
m-louis: Kaffee Saal
m-louis: 共立建設(株)
eliotmal: Osprey
tetsuo5: Hayama#36
shinichiro*: Kingfisher
tarboat: Still at large
no_typographic_man: Stanley Morison's book
no_typographic_man: Stanley Morison's Four Centuries of Fine Printing
trykemom: Black-bellied Whistling Ducks
trykemom: Grass
hearman: Bald Eagle
HAMACHI!: Bronco Billy Japanese beef hamburg steak
HAMACHI!: Instagram Best 9 2018 09
Dr DAD (Daniel A D'Auria MD): The Closer You Get 3I0321
Dr DAD (Daniel A D'Auria MD): A Close Second 8833
tarboat: Nordhausen shed
tetsuo5: Maekawa/Odawara#7
tarboat: Central fire station