born1945: Wetlands Water Receding
born1945: Northern Flicker
born1945: Hangin' Around the Old Suit Feeder
born1945: Goldfinches
born1945: House Finch and Friends
born1945: Redwing Blackbird
born1945: Ma and Pa Bald Eagle.
born1945: Camas
born1945: Dunlins
born1945: Insects, Food for Birds
born1945: Song Sparrow
born1945: Plum Tree in Bloom
born1945: First Bee Picture of the Year
born1945: Oregon Grape Abloom
born1945: Honey Bee at the Oregon Grape
born1945: Tree Swallows
born1945: Great Horned Owl on the Nest
born1945: Birdhouse Building Contest Entries
born1945: Lunch
born1945: Western Canada Goose with Broken Wing
born1945: Great Horned Owl with Chick
born1945: Gold-crowned Sparrow
born1945: Frogs and Tadpoles
born1945: Red-legged Frogs Tadpoles
born1945: Western Toads
born1945: Take Your Pick #3
born1945: Take Your Pick #2
born1945: Take Your Pick #1
born1945: Chris with a Snake
born1945: Snake