born1945: Trail and Fir Trees
born1945: Fall Tree Reprise
born1945: Magnolia Tree
born1945: Filbert Nut Orchard
born1945: Red Tail Hawk Release at Jackson Bottom Wetlands Preserve
born1945: Douglas-fir
born1945: Logging road to Barney Reservoir
born1945: Baby Douglas-fir Tree
born1945: Hybrid Poplar Trees, Umatilla, Oregon
born1945: Fallen Oregon Ash
born1945: Oregon White Oak
born1945: Acer macrophyllum, Bigleaf Maple
born1945: Acer macrophyllum, Bigleaf Maple
born1945: Hawthorn Blossoms
born1945: Garry Oak
born1945: Holes
born1945: Douglas-fir
born1945: Garry Oak
born1945: Black Cottonwood
born1945: Black Cottonwood
born1945: Oregon White-Cedar
born1945: Oregon Filberts
born1945: Beaver Chew on Black Cottonwood Tree
born1945: Willow in the Spring
born1945: Douglas-fir Pine Cones
born1945: Oregon Ash Flower
born1945: Black Cottonwood Trees
born1945: Fall Colors
born1945: Douglas-fir
born1945: Down Comes the Tree