born1945: Tree Swallow
born1945: The Swallow Just Flew Away
born1945: Swallow in his house
born1945: Young Eagle with Big Feet
born1945: Our Western Scrub Jay
born1945: Our Western Scrub Jay on the Move
born1945: cluster of dead trees with birdhouse
born1945: Tree Swallow in a birdhouse
born1945: Tree Swallow
born1945: Quail sign
born1945: Western Scrub Jays
born1945: Western Scrub Jay
born1945: Robin on the Trail
born1945: Robin
born1945: Killdeer from the rear
born1945: Killdeer (Plover) in flight, flying
born1945: Tree Swallow in Flight
born1945: More Tree Swallows in a Tree
born1945: Tree Swallows in a Tree
born1945: Canadian Geese on the wing
born1945: Ducks
born1945: Tree Swallows resting
born1945: Canada Geese
born1945: School Children Buzzed by Swallows
born1945: Canada Geese
born1945: Canada Geese
born1945: 6 Canada Geese take to flight
born1945: The Cycle of Life
born1945: Great Egret
born1945: Great Egret