PaloCarter: _MG_9569
PaloCarter: _MG_9588
espinozr: Norwich
StefanB: The Balancing Tree
Paniagraphy: PARINACOTA
StefanB: A Tree in the Distance
palocarter1: Recreo
howardignatius: Port Townsend Ferry
Sandra Standbridge.: You can't keep a good FOX down. Explored.
Cole Chase Photography: Spectacular Autumn Sunrise at Lake of the Clouds
Teresa Teixeira: F9038 ~ on the same misty day
Teresa Teixeira: F5588 ~ Autumn is still here...
espinozr: U Bein Bridge
PaloCarter: Ex Matadero
Teresa Teixeira: F1799 ~ Go alone...
PaloCarter: Proyecto Bátilox
PaloCarter: Proyecto Bátilox
PaloCarter: Laguna Cejar
PaloCarter: Laguna Tebinchique
PaloCarter: Laguna Tebinchique
Teresa Teixeira: F5514 ~ Accept the Phone Cabin's invitation...
Teresa Teixeira: F6015 ~ the foggy bridge [Explore]
StefanB: Gazos Creek