madoldman21: Young Asterias 5'5 cm pot.
madoldman21: Young Astro hybrid 5'5 pot.
madoldman21: IMG_1446
madoldman21: Young Asrto Kikko 8'5 pot.
madoldman21: Fun Astro.
madoldman21: Young Astro 5'5 cm pot.
madoldman21: IMG_1458
madoldman21: I grow my Haworthias in trays not pots.
madoldman21: Cono flower.
madoldman21: Haworthia from Fran and Luis.
madoldman21: A few Gasteria Veriagates 1 year.
madoldman21: A few veriegated Astros
madoldman21: A few Echinopsis flowers .
madoldman21: Astros 1 year.
madoldman21: Astrophytum my seed
madoldman21: IMG_1335
madoldman21: Astrophytum my seed.
madoldman21: IMG_1331
madoldman21: Astrophytum.
madoldman21: Astrophyum .
madoldman21: Astrophytum.
madoldman21: IMG_1302
madoldman21: Echinopsis this morning.
madoldman21: Spain being green ! Better than spraying the weeds.
madoldman21: Astros starting to flower.
madoldman21: Astro flower.
madoldman21: Astro flower
madoldman21: IMG_20210418_161732
madoldman21: IMG_20210418_161716
madoldman21: I try for Astro flowers not yellow.