John Scalzi: Roses in the Snow 11/21/24
John Scalzi: 8/3/23
Bill VanderMolen: Harlequin Duck and Lesser Scaup
Bill VanderMolen: Harlequin Duck
Stabbur's Master: Columbus, Ohio Cherry Blossoms
John Scalzi: The Great Escape
Mr. Spike's Mom: Serious Kitty
John Scalzi: Cincinnati, 5/6/22
Gary Norman Photo: Welsh Fungi
rcvernors: Cruisin’ On The Cincinnati Belle
jimross90: Another foggy morning on the Ohio
jimross90: Street photography ... literally
rcvernors: Memory Of A Windy Day
Traveler 旅人: 在描述欄中,我分享每一張照片拍攝的瞬間,不同的觀點、角度、和思考方法,內容並不會有講解,不過可以以此作為方向去參考。 除了參考以上所提出的項目之外,需要多留意的是實際場景和照片顏色的區別,由於審美是因人而異,對每一個場景的表達皆會不同。
TheKoG: Downtown Charleston-318
Bill VanderMolen: Yellow-billed Cuckoo
enneafive: Foggy Morning Sun
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Lincoln's sparrow - Bruant de Lincoln - Melospiza lincolnii
Bill VanderMolen: Black-throated Blue Warbler
Bill VanderMolen: Swamp Sparrow
Adolfo García Guatemala: Sunset in moody green
TheGoogly: Foggy morning in Huntington
jimross90: M/V Elizabeth Ann
jimross90: Morning at Harris Riverfront Park
John Scalzi: Sugar, 5/19/21
TheKoG: Fayetteville-15
TheKoG: Fayetteville-17
Bill VanderMolen: Orchard Oriole