jaynburr88: IMG_10227331075959
talyfelix: aj lee
bmf1269: Monday turned it to be a bad day for me. Injury on 405lbs #instagram #injurysucks
georgelaf123: my dog - Perceas!!!
jaynburr88: IMG_20140726_172053
jaynburr88: 2014-07-27_01-12-29
bmf1269: Celebrating my sons 12 th birthday today. Damn kid is growing like a weed #instagram
bmf1269: My little buddy being himself a goofball lol
bmf1269: Dale Jr Daytona winner 2014 #nascar #88
yabood549: IMG_20140723_072922
yabood549: holding-a-camera-photography-hd-wallpaper-1920x1080-6087
talyfelix: 2014-07-26_02-36-45
talyfelix: 2014-07-22_07-25-15
jaynburr88: IMG_10067986746124
jaynburr88: IMG_20140723_142654
Flickr: #FlickrFriday: #Calligraphy | Flickr is the perfect place for all types of art. Starting today, we are looking for your pieces of art featuring calligraphy in all its beauty. Take a shot for the theme, and share it with us in the Flickr Friday group
georgelaf123: Greece. Park in Thessalonikh!
georgelaf123: black-red