andrewgray242: The Pleiades, Subaru or Thuraya
andrewgray242: Horsehead, flame nebula and Alnitak
andrewgray242: It's Orion Season again!
andrewgray242: Messier 97, Owl Nebula
andrewgray242: Messier 13, the great globular cluster in Hercules. 24x2min exposures
andrewgray242: Jupiter
andrewgray242: IC 405 Flaming Star Nebula
andrewgray242: Rosette Nebula
andrewgray242: Two views of the Orion Nebula from the same data
andrewgray242: Two views of the Orion Nebula from the same data
andrewgray242: The Moon, early hours of 21/10.
andrewgray242: Eastern Veil Nebula, RGB and HaRGB
andrewgray242: Eastern Veil Nebula, RGB and HaRGB
andrewgray242: The Pleiades, also known as Messier 45, Subaru, Thuraya, the Seven Sisters and many more.
andrewgray242: Western Veil Nebula, in RGB and HaRGB.
andrewgray242: Western Veil Nebula, in RGB and HaRGB.
andrewgray242: Messier 33, Triangulum Galaxy
andrewgray242: Three views of NGC 7380, the Wizard Nebula. The data's the same, only the processing has changed.
andrewgray242: Three views of NGC 7380, the Wizard Nebula. The data's the same, only the processing has changed.
andrewgray242: Three views of NGC 7380, the Wizard Nebula. The data's the same, only the processing has changed.
andrewgray242: M57, Ring Nebula in Bi-colour Narrowband (H-Alpha and OIII)
andrewgray242: Messier 27 the Dumbbell Nebula in Hubble Palette Narrowband, Sulphur II, Hydrogen Alpha and Oxygen III.
andrewgray242: M27 Dumbbell nebula in HaRGB where narrowband Hydrogen Alpha data is combined with an RGB image to enhance the detail in the nebula
andrewgray242: M27 Dumbbell nebula in RGB
andrewgray242: Saturn, 22/06/16
andrewgray242: M57, the Ring nebula in Lyra.
andrewgray242: Crescent nebula, reprocess and full frame
andrewgray242: Crescent nebula in Cygnus
andrewgray242: Messier 13, the great globular cluster in Hercules 10x2min exposures each channel for RGB William Optics FLT-98 Atik One 6.0