Astra Pop Wally: # Red Diesel
Alexey Subbotin (music photo): Московская группа "Бригада С". 24 февраля 2017. Yotaspace.
pSauriat: The Butchers Rodeo 08_03_2017 (13)
de-tec-tive: The Living End 02.03.2017
de-tec-tive: The Living End 02.03.2017
de-tec-tive: The Living End 02.03.2017
de-tec-tive: The Living End 02.03.2017
de-tec-tive: The Living End 02.03.2017
de-tec-tive: The Living End 02.03.2017
de-tec-tive: The Living End 02.03.2017
de-tec-tive: The Living End 02.03.2017
de-tec-tive: The Living End 02.03.2017
de-tec-tive: At The Drive-In 22.07.2016
de-tec-tive: At The Drive-In 22.07.2016
de-tec-tive: At The Drive-In 22.07.2016
de-tec-tive: At The Drive-In 22.07.2016
de-tec-tive: At The Drive-In 22.07.2016
de-tec-tive: Munich 04.05.2016
de-tec-tive: Munich 04.05.2016
de-tec-tive: Munich 04.05.2016
de-tec-tive: Bad//Dreems 23.06.2016
de-tec-tive: The Living End 23.06.2016
de-tec-tive: The Living End 23.06.2016
de-tec-tive: The Living End 24.06.2016
de-tec-tive: The Living End 24.06.2016
de-tec-tive: The Living End 24.06.2016
de-tec-tive: The Living End 24.06.2016
smmprodinc: Scorpions