MarasKP: i see you :)
filemon112: 2021-06-18_19-18-21
Pere Planas: Esplugabous, garcilla bueyera
Alberto.G.Santervás: Salto al 2020
Julien Pregnon: La pointe Saint Gildas.
DanD_NZ: Sacred kingfisher
steinmetznicolas: Dark version of Eltz Castle
marco.federmann: Eisvogel
jsnchezyage: Abejaruco europeo (Merops apiaster)
jsnchezyage: Trepador azul (Sitta europaea)
rafelvng: Pinsà comú ( Fringilla coelebs)
K Kingfisher: Loving the light...
ds325: untitled-8138-5
Littleland: Birds
=Attila=: Purple Sandpipers
=Attila=: Purple Sandpipers
focusmania: Yellowhammer female
focusmania: Yellowhammer male
Around the Bird Feeder: Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum)
A. Mestre: El Far del Fangar i les dunes al seu costat
JavierK88: Palau de les Arts
JavierK88: Atardecer
manel pons: la cabra... i mès enllà, el Delta
manel pons: el pentagrama i les seves notes musicals, en clau Delta
AbelJG: Lovers at the end of the world
AbelJG: Death of the cycle
AbelJG: River's sun
AbelJG: After storm
Sandra Bartocha: merry christmas!