madlily58: A little bit of sunlight on a dull day
madlily58: Shadow on the wall
madlily58: Hibiscus flower
madlily58: Pachyveria
madlily58: Echeveria Colorata
madlily58: Crassula Falcata
madlily58: Echeveria Display
madlily58: Speckled Wood butterfly
madlily58: Apples in my garden
madlily58: Cobweb in the Apple tree
madlily58: Dogwood Berries
madlily58: Fred Loads rose
madlily58: Small Tortoiseshell butterfly (Aglais urticae)
madlily58: Speckled Wood butterfly (Pararge aegeria)
madlily58: Small Tortoiseshell butterfly (Aglais urticae)
madlily58: Small Tortoiseshell butterfly (Aglais urticae)
madlily58: Small Tortoiseshell butterfly (Aglais urticae)
madlily58: Just Passing Through
madlily58: Looking Up
madlily58: Morning Visitor
madlily58: Through the Trees
madlily58: Like Two Bees in a Pod
madlily58: Pink Phlox
madlily58: Flowering in the border
madlily58: Lavender
madlily58: Pink Stripes
madlily58: Lavender's Blue dilly dilly
madlily58: Finding Some Shade
madlily58: Summer Colour, Californian Poppies
madlily58: Summer Colour, English Lavender