Ceramic Showcase: Victoria Christen
Ceramic Showcase: Janet Buskirk
Ceramic Showcase: Ken Standhardt
Ceramic Showcase: Ken Pincus
Ceramic Showcase: Glenn Burris
Ceramic Showcase: Alan Higinbotham
Ceramic Showcase: Michele Rigert
Flavia Morlachetti Photography: Rediscovering Rosario ~ Rosario Victoria Bridge
Flavia Morlachetti Photography: Vienna from Stephansdom
Flavia Morlachetti Photography: Those gorgeous bycicles in Rome streets...
Flavia Morlachetti Photography: My own world map :)
Flavia Morlachetti Photography: Morning light over Paris
summercalloway: Friendship Flower
Katty-S: Chocolate cake balls named Kartoshka (Potato), like a rum balls
Katty-S: Lemon blueberry waffles with honey
Katty-S: Fresh berries
locrifa: Vegan birthday cake
pylypchuk1976: peaches
Speleolog: Cherry in a cup background
Speleolog: Cherry in a cup
jultchik7: Vanilla-Miso Ice Cream with Currants
Anjelagr: Bicycle with a bucket of summer blue flowers. Selective focus