David Ruiz Luna: Bujaruelo Valley
clabudak: AutumnFoxes (Explored 10-29-2023 #13!)
luigi.alesi: Dolomiti - Lago Federa e Becco di Mezzodì - Cortina d'Ampezzo
luigi.alesi: Dolomiti - lago d'Antorno e Cadini di Misurina (BL)
notaphotographer5: Sunrise at Mormon Row
2a2bCH: Miamira magnifica
Roland . B: DSC_8279-
Roland . B: DSC_8521-
Roland . B: DSC_8459-
Roland . B: DSC_8541-
Roland . B: DSC_8564-
Roland . B: DSC_8585-
Roland . B: DSC_7279.tif Buron Cap Combattut-4
Dylan Toh: Eye of Karitane
mdejesus73: Stream in the woods of Smokey Hollow Waterfall
peter_sossi: In religioso silenzio
Longleaf.Photography: Eastern Shore
RJSchutDigitaal: Groene kikker - Green frog - Rana esculenta synklepton
Philippe Morin Ganet freephysique nature: King fischer at Meudon France
Enzio H.: Bläuling
NUNZG: Autumn sky
Luis Cagiao: Cabo de Palos
steveowen2725: 8.9.22 F
Jose Luis_Santamaría: Pico gordo (Coccothraustes coccothraustes)​