Bryan Adams Photography: The Pineapple Fountain in company with a setting crescent moon
Bryan Adams Photography: The Arthur Ravenel Bridge is a signature landmark of Charleston
Bryan Adams Photography: So many empty chairs representing so many lives lost
Bryan Adams Photography: The reflecting pool lies where the Oklahoma City Federal Building once stood
Bryan Adams Photography: A quiet and peaceful memorial site
Bryan Adams Photography: At night the memorial literally glows in the dark
Bryan Adams Photography: Twilight at the Oklahoma City Federal Building Memorial
Bryan Adams Photography: Out of this great tragedy came a stronger unity and resolve
Bryan Adams Photography: A view of the memorial visitor museum
Bryan Adams Photography: A gorgeous sunset shining on such somber memorial
Bryan Adams Photography: Miles and miles of rocky canyons everywhere
Bryan Adams Photography: It's neat to see all the different colors of rocks within the canyon
Bryan Adams Photography: The tourists in the top left corner look like the size of ants compared to the massive canyons around them
Bryan Adams Photography: It's a long way down from the top of the cliffs to the bottom
Bryan Adams Photography: There are so many peaks and valleys throughout the Grand Canyon
Bryan Adams Photography: The Grand Canyon is simply remarkable
Bryan Adams Photography: Alcatraz Island
Bryan Adams Photography: A modern marvel of engineering
Bryan Adams Photography: Taking advantage of a rare clear, sunny day in San Francisco
Bryan Adams Photography: The iconic Space Needle
Bryan Adams Photography: Downtown Seattle skyline
Bryan Adams Photography: Gotta love the totem poles
Bryan Adams Photography: Kluane Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada
Bryan Adams Photography: This ice glacier is enormous
Bryan Adams Photography: A view of the Matanuska Glacier
Bryan Adams Photography: A perfect getaway spot to relax at
Bryan Adams Photography: Just a small fraction of all the beautiful scenery in Alaska
Bryan Adams Photography: Angel Oak Tree
Bryan Adams Photography: Epic Fireworks!
Bryan Adams Photography: Beautiful colors lighting up the night sky