Bryan Adams Photography: Kobe Bryant pumping up his teammates at the start of the game
Bryan Adams Photography: One of basketball's all-time greatest players
Bryan Adams Photography: Nothing but net!
Bryan Adams Photography: Kobe is open and ready to shoot
Bryan Adams Photography: Kobe shoots over Kevin Durant
Bryan Adams Photography: Kobe is a fierce competitor on the court
Bryan Adams Photography: Kobe shoots and scores from downtown
Bryan Adams Photography: Can't block Kobe...aka the Black Mamba
Bryan Adams Photography: Entering the 2nd half of the game
Bryan Adams Photography: One on One between two phenomenal players
Bryan Adams Photography: Kobe playing defense against Kevin Durant
Bryan Adams Photography: Kobe Bryant leaves his all on the court
Bryan Adams Photography: Kobe smiling when the crowd started chanting his name
Bryan Adams Photography: Kevin Durant paying respect to Kobe after the game
Bryan Adams Photography: 2 competitors on the court but also great friends
Bryan Adams Photography: Kobe gives a hug to Russell Westbrook
Bryan Adams Photography: One final wave to the crowd
Bryan Adams Photography: You will be greatly missed Kobe!
Bryan Adams Photography: Charlie loves Yoda
Bryan Adams Photography: 2 and half months old
Bryan Adams Photography: Charlie's 1st trip to the mountains and playing in snow
Bryan Adams Photography: Washington Monument
Bryan Adams Photography: Front of the White House
Bryan Adams Photography: Back of the White House
Bryan Adams Photography: Franklin Delano Roosevelt statue
Bryan Adams Photography: Martin Luther King Jr. statue
Bryan Adams Photography: The man who inspired us all to dream BIG!
Bryan Adams Photography: Big crowd at the Lincoln Monument