Bryan Adams Photography: A hungry bald eagle eating a piece of fish on the fly
Bryan Adams Photography: The colors of these feathers are simply stunning
Bryan Adams Photography: Flying effortlessly due to its huge wingspan
Bryan Adams Photography: Soaring high above in search of food
Bryan Adams Photography: A bald eagle remaining vigilant even while perched on a tree
Bryan Adams Photography: Talk about a Big Bird!
Bryan Adams Photography: A beautiful bird of prey
Bryan Adams Photography: This little fish is screwed...There's no escape from the eagle's grasp!
Bryan Adams Photography: Soaring high into the wild blue yonder
Bryan Adams Photography: A lonely black bear off in his own world
Bryan Adams Photography: Hungry for some grass
Bryan Adams Photography: In search of some salmon fish in the river
Bryan Adams Photography: Finders keepers...Stealing the bald eagle's food
Bryan Adams Photography: Peek-a-Boo...I see you!
Bryan Adams Photography: A majestic animal yet incredibly big and powerful
Bryan Adams Photography: Looks like one big cuddly teddy bear
Bryan Adams Photography: Taking a rest and looking forward to hibernating
Bryan Adams Photography: Going for a leisurely stroll
Bryan Adams Photography: A wood bison keeping watch over her young offspring
Bryan Adams Photography: Just chillin while floating on the water
Bryan Adams Photography: One hungry sea otter
Bryan Adams Photography: Time for a snack
Bryan Adams Photography: Soaking up some warm sunshine