tersha53: The Stare
Jos Buurmans: Huka Falls - The Other Side
tersha53: song thrush 02
tersha53: Starlings in the snow
B.E.K. Photography: Lake Louise Sunrise
tersha53: shades of autumn
tersha53: shades of autumn
tersha53: Eucomis
tersha53: black and white
tersha53: sunflower yellow
tersha53: orange on black
tersha53: orchid petal reflections
Erik Fransman: Henri Chapelle American Cemetery, Belgium
Erik Fransman: Almost Spring
perspicaciousphoto: Lunch Time
perspicaciousphoto: Like Music Notation
Yvan Demers: Le jazz en noir et blanc (III)
tersha53: dandelion past it's best
tersha53: Thistle past it's best
bl!kopener: P6293834
tersha53: spot the boots!
tersha53: fungi symmetry
tersha53: 6spot burnet
tersha53: feather caught in the grass
tersha53: hoverfly ? on thistle
Jos Buurmans: Another day starts at the peak
koen_jacobs: Utah Beach
perspicaciousphoto: Wildflower (pipsissewa/Chimaphila umbellata)
perspicaciousphoto: Fairy Condominium
perspicaciousphoto: Black Huckleberry