*Capture the Moment*: Approaching the Take-Off in the Gran Chaco - No. 3 of the monochrome Versions
voetshy: Morning Steam
Pierre Wayser: 1975_11995
oschua...: ...for lovers
derek-michael: September 12, 2016
Mehran Djojan: Heading Home
shampubanana: Beam me up some time
Reasonable Excuse: color, smoke, autumn (P9220060)
P.S. ZOELLER: W2014-33
Pierre Wayser: _DSF1053
henriksundholm.com: Umbrella Girl
marcus.redfern: folded shade
DANG3Rphotos: ToteKing
xprocessed: Munich (Oktoberfest)
Calixto Quinto: Soledades
Walt Jabsco: Please don't be waiting for me
ingrid_b21: scapa crop