Chapman Cycles:
Simple machine
Compass Crankset Technical Trials Edition
Porte bagages
Chapman Cycles:
Raking fork blades. My bender is located on the side of my bench so I only do one blade at the time...which is fine because that's all I know. That hi-tech piece of angle iron makes sure that both blades are bent the same amount. #forkblades #chapmancycle
Chapman Cycles:
These little guys will be looking more like cantilever brakes soon enough. Fresh out of the flux removal tank. #filletbrazed #cantileverbrakes #chapmancycles
Chapman Cycles:
Where there's a will, there's a way. Mounting a Schmidt taillight to the bag loops on a Brooks B17 saddle using a B66 spring bridge. #brooksengland #schmidtlights #chapmancycles
Joel Greenblatt | Clockwork Bikes:
All Buttoned Up
Joel Greenblatt | Clockwork Bikes:
Integrated Decaleur
Chapman Cycles:
Mitered on a Monday. Brazed on a Tuesday. Finish on a Wednesday. Prime on a Thursday. Paint on a Friday. Polish on a Saturday. #solomongrundy #fluxy #chapmancycles
I'm so proud that my state attorney general and his staff worked non stop to file a lawsuit as soon as possible against the executive order banning refugees. Thanks Bob Ferguson and his team!
Chapman Cycles:
Varun's disc randonneur