HaroldGillibrand: Rana grande chilena (Calyptocephalella gayi)
jasmine_vink: Common wombat (Vombatus ursinus) from Cradle Mountain
Nature Exposed: Puffin, Fratercula arctica
jasmine_vink: Broad tailed gecko (Phyllurus platurus)
Kati Fran: Loica "Sturnella loyca"
jasmine_vink: Manaus slender-legged tree frog (Osteocephalus taurinus)
jasmine_vink: Nauta mushroom tongued salamander (Bolitoglossa altamazonica)
HaroldGillibrand: Rana grande chilena (Calyptocephalella gayi)
jasmine_vink: Spix's Horned Toad (Hemiphractus scutatus) with eggs
Marcel Tuit | www.marceltuit.nl: The green tree @ the forest
HaroldGillibrand: Huairavo(Nycticorax nycticorax) + tadpole Rana grande Chilena (Calyptocephalella gayi)
Tania Hornauer: Thylamys elegans
Nature Exposed: Snow Bunting, Plectrophenax nivalis
HaroldGillibrand: Eupsophus roseus
HaroldGillibrand: Batrachyla leptopus
Joguzman: IMG_8145
catamarín: Admirando la puesta de sol
Joguzman: caballito
Joguzman: IMG_6711
Joguzman: IMG_6797
Gioooandres: Ormiscodes cinnamomea