Kalmagic !: Loose watercolour bloom
Kalmagic !: A myriad pages joined together with a coptic bind.
Kalmagic !: First batch: Ecoprinted wc paper using the immersion method. Geranium leaves and spent flower, Weed (oxalis), Plumbago leaves and blossom, Rose leaves, Begonia leaves and stems, Coreopsis leaves and one or two spent flowers that provided the yellow. Bound
Kalmagic !: Rose leaves - First image are sun-side up and the clear white stands are broken off stems of the begonia leaves. Second image shows the effect of the bottom side of the rose leaves. Two coreopsis buds provide the two intense yellow spots.
Kalmagic !: Hell and damnation - Encaustic
Kalmagic !: Patriot - encaustic
Kalmagic !: In a playful mood - pages of concertina sketchbook
Kalmagic !: Copying an EM Scott sketchbook page, without great success. I am happy to have added another tool to the creative process - a credit card on end makes nice marks.