wisecrystal94: Date : May 31,2014 Mood : Mixed feelings Inspiration: a anime called honey and clover. Human Inspiration : a wonderful girl name July. And my amazing boyfriend. This week as very busy. I graduated high school on Friday . Yay! Welcome to the real world!
wisecrystal94: Another project I finished in sociology :) . Our assignment was to make a invention out of cardboard boxes. I made a mini dresser ^_^ . I added a bit of my personality on the outside. I used a total of 3 boxed. Two boxes were pop tarts and the big one was
wisecrystal94: This was a project I finished in sociology class. This mask basically tell me about myself. I got lazy with the eyes, nose and mouth :)
wisecrystal94: Artwork: New Day Date: 5/16/14 Human Inspiration : love and rememberance
wisecrystal94: Artwork: confusion Date : 5/15/14
wisecrystal94: Artwork : Mixed Feelings Date : 5/14/14 Human Inspiration: Being a Woman....
wisecrystal94: Anime inspiration : naruto Date : 5/13/14
wisecrystal94: Artwork is based off of stress. It was something new I wanted to try out with the type of paints I borrowed from my cousins. I like it. But please don't be afraid to comment out it.
wisecrystal94: Cheerful school girl Date : May 2014
wisecrystal94: Hello everyone. I know I haven't put up any of my work yet but trust me I am working hard on my artwork. This piece is from an anime called Princess Jellyfish. Date : April 2014
wisecrystal94: Hello everyone my name is crystal and I'm not new to Flickr( sorry I should have added that to the video lol) but anime this page will be all about types of arts I do on a daily bases. I hope you add me and help me out. I'm trying my harder and would love