at_rim: Houses of London
at_rim: Camden
at_rim: Sweet dreams
at_rim: A sweet cup of tea....☕️☕️☕️
at_rim: Dancing.... 🎶🎶🎶
at_rim: Soho, London
at_rim: Buckingam Palace, London
at_rim: Hyde Park
at_rim: Oxford College
at_rim: Tower Bridge, London
at_rim: Camden, London
at_rim: Stonehenge
at_rim: Pau contra la desesperació. Peace against despair.
at_rim: Silenci. Silence.
at_rim: Col.lectiu estatues humanes de les Rambles. Sense Por. Collective of human statues of Rambles. Without fear.
at_rim: El poble de Barcelona, ciutat d'acollida, els ha fet fora. Orgullosa de la meva gent. The people of Barcelona, host city, have thrown them. Proud of my people.
at_rim: Feixistes fugint. Fascist fleeing.
at_rim: Grup de feixistes refugiats entre els antidisturbis. La seva intencio, propagar l'islamofobia. No passaràn!!! A group of fascist refugees among the riot police. His intention, to propagate islamophobia. They will not pass!!!
at_rim: Riposto, Sicily
at_rim: Scala dei Turchi, Sicily
at_rim: Etna, Sicily
at_rim: Three nice guys...