aishiteroo: とし 090824
Quinnsley: [ vacant look ]
Quinnsley: [ memories of Hawaiian summers ]
shy6onh voxel: Shopping addiction
Starr Raine..2nd account.. lost my original acct: Time to cool off from a long ride
Hiko Smit: Nos Hizo De Menos
Quinnsley: [ beyond this place there be dragons ]
Hiko Smit: Just A Day
doverdarko: LoveSong
Jayden Mercury: FoA 2401255 - Happyness
shy6onh voxel: Shopping addiction
MATTY // *OMG*: Fuck your ex-man, I'm the man now
fulviomacchi: ............
aspenblogs: ♫ wishing you the best in the worst way
lucia_brune: Novalie
shad whybrow: What would you change if you could go back ?
-d e t a c h e d-: the right people hear you differently...