sanuco: 尚成投手胴上げ / 151002引退セレモニーより
ay6is: DSC_0790
ay6is: DSC_0046
ami。: DSC_0499
ami。: DSC_0663
shi.k: DSC08222
_starshaped: DSC_2799 DSC 030
Jeff Sullivan ( Starry Night over Bodie Church
espinozr: Good morning Paris
elmofoto: c r a c k l e | woodside, california
The 2-Belo: Parade of Glory
The 2-Belo: 優勝
The 2-Belo: Arakibata
swejens: Chunichi Dragons
The 2-Belo: Take a lap
The 2-Belo: 中日ドラゴンズリーグ優勝胴上げ