VestandTie: dead bat
sunface13: I Wonder As I Wander
BurntChicory: grumpy old man face
risquillo: El rebozo
ElbtheProf: 60/365 - Ma... they're making eyes at me!
Mle-Mle: Ohhhhh
jazzian: neat rows of severed heads
sunface13: Rusty Glow
blonde_sage: Plastic Graveyard
sunface13: Raging Torrent
sunface13: Rust, As It Happens
VestandTie: Puppy on Ice
Sandman1973: It's for you
leuntje: chairs
sunface13: 223/365 The Saga Continues
sunface13: The Dress-Up Case
Captain Freckle: so proud
jazzian: dead but happy
jazzian: ship from the cross
BurntChicory: Welcome to Vernal!
Captain Freckle: funny face 1
Captain Freckle: rusty water
Captain Freckle: teeny bridge
sunface13: 148/365 Sisyphus
jazzian: modern mexican TRASH
Trey Ratcliff: A Night in the Opera House
Timothy Neesam (GumshoePhotos): Front row seating
horstgeorg: The theatre