Martika64: Luces y sombras....
Martika64: Akelarre....
Jesús 56: París Paris Parigi Париж
Jesús 56: Pont de Triana o Isabel II. Puente de Triana. Triana Bridge. Sevilla Séville Seville
Jesús 56: Mesquita de Còrdova. Mezquita de Córdoba. Mosquée de Cordoue. Cordoba Mosque.
niji graphein: Souvenirs '13
AlexEdg: Alstroemeria
AlexEdg: tulip
TQ9kite: so how do you get lily pollen off a white carpet?
John Riper: Don't worry
John Riper: Intersection
John Riper: Please wake me at five, Mona [Explore - July 4, 2014]
John Riper: Please Lord, send me customers...
Hugo Verkoelen: Droplets
Jon Starling Photography: Sea, Mountains and Sky
Jean Tongo - ChelGt: Panthera tigris II
Waldwoelfin: Tiger.
Trine K Photography: Relaxed Lynx
top croc: DSC_4966
top croc: 20140518_131948
top croc: 20140518_131711
Simon Leijonmarck: Half and half
Simon Leijonmarck: Ida Bang & The Blue Tears
Rong13815: Unknow Name
basil1926: Water droplets on antenna of a Speckled Bush Cricket