Rich Roylance: A corner of the woods
Rich Roylance: A pop-up black-headed gull
Rich Roylance: Young wren
Rich Roylance: Chiffchaff
Rich Roylance: Male marsh harrier
Rich Roylance: Male marsh harrier
Rich Roylance: Great spotted woodpecker
Rich Roylance: Great spotted woodpecker
Rich Roylance: Male chaffinch
Rich Roylance: Armenian cranesbill
Rich Roylance: Dog rose
Rich Roylance: Lapwing
Rich Roylance: Shelduck with ducklings
Rich Roylance: Lapwing
Rich Roylance: Canada goose goslings
Rich Roylance: Shoveler
Rich Roylance: Black-headed gull harassing a Canada goose
Rich Roylance: Black-headed gull harassing a Canada goose
Rich Roylance: Black-headed gull chicks
Rich Roylance: Little ringed plover
Rich Roylance: Intimate landscape
Rich Roylance: back-lit leaf
Rich Roylance: Oxeye daisy with sunfly
Rich Roylance: I'm forever blowing bubbles
Rich Roylance: River Wharfe
Rich Roylance: Upper Wharfedale
Rich Roylance: River Wharfe near Hubberholme
Rich Roylance: River Wharfe