diana.agostini: La campana solitaria
dave_poth: Yellow Dragonfly
dave_poth: Red Dragonfly
dave_poth: Fontaine de la Rotonde
diana.agostini: Invasione
blthornburgh: Spicebush Swallowtail DSC_0328
blthornburgh: Monarchs DSC_0326 10 01 16
blthornburgh: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail DSC_0542
+Lonnie & Lou+: If you have a few seconds to spare today, please vote for me in the Florida State park contest. www.floridastateparks.org/photo-contest/2016/9?utc=147291... Thank you all for the love and kind words. -Lou
Chenyueling: Beautiful butterfly (III)
Christian ±π: holidays
Sultan Sultani: Foggy day
KsCattails: I only have eyes for you
Mpc 1980: Flor
Mpc 1980: Primavera
misi212: dahlia
namhdyk: cosmos
misi212: lily
misi212: lily
misi212: lily
misi212: lily
misi212: lily
chrisheidenreich: Blumenwiese
diana.agostini: In un cantuccio del tuo cuore
imhof.patrick: Rumänien
Marco Saccardi: Peaceful Morning
dave_poth: Under the rain