gabriele968 very busy: Sunset in the mountains.
DingoShoes - life's a dream: Portrait drawing No 55
DingoShoes - life's a dream: Portrait drawing No 56
DingoShoes - life's a dream: Drawing Anthony Hopkins
DingoShoes - life's a dream: Summer holiday with Bug
kurtwolf303: Waiting For The Cappuccino (Explored)
K.H. Yeh: Foggy tree tunnel
Pedro Abadía: Walking In My Shoes (Depeche Mode)
Ro Cafe: Smile more, please!
sagesolar: Through the tunnel be wonder
figoosia: Kalima podlaska
shutterclick3x: Black Money
Roberto -: L'alba non si guarda mai da soli
Dietmar Temps: India, pilgrims in Kanyakumari
albertovocinq: Three elephants
Strandgutsuche: Stockente
Strandgutsuche: Haubentaucher
ermannomou: Pause.
ermannomou: Revealing. [Explore June 20 2023]
ermannomou: Discovering. [Explore August 24 2023]
ermannomou: A moment in time. [Explore Nov 21 2023]
ermannomou: Unless I am mistaken. [Explore december 15 2023]
ermannomou: My time. [Explore Jan 5 2023]
ermannomou: A place of my own. [Explore March, 17 2024]
gregtz: A penny for your thoughts...