grahambarton69: Teals are leaving and Chinese are staying. Teals had more flaws and were in worse shape than I was told
grahambarton69: Teals are leaving and Chinese are staying. Teals had more flaws and were in worse shape than I was told
grahambarton69: Buy some shit. I want ogs and I've got money too
grahambarton69: 150 paypal never been worn size 8
grahambarton69: Somebody take these sexy things size 8
grahambarton69: Limited edition nike braata size 11 worn 5x
grahambarton69: Am I legit?
grahambarton69: Bn never been worn 54s size 8
grahambarton69: Bn never been worn 54s size 8
grahambarton69: Want gone will go cheap. Bn size 12 Cael v4 and 8.5/10 size 11 omnis
grahambarton69: The collection
grahambarton69: Split second 2s size 11 9/10 condition still have bumps on bottom
grahambarton69: Shit shoes I want gone
grahambarton69: USA wrestling bag
grahambarton69: Red omniflexes size 11 condition 9/10
grahambarton69: Size 10.5-11 condition 8/10