阿傑955: DSC05685
阿傑955: DSC05665
阿傑955: DSC05414
阿傑955: DSC05203
阿傑955: DSC06578
AndreaPucci: La nave fantasma / The ghost ship (Tower Bridge, London, United Kingdom)
AndreaPucci: Il nuovo mondo / The new World (Greenwich, London, United KIingdom)
ikaune: 3117 - Promiscuité, Outreau, 2010
阿傑955: DSC04845
AndreaPucci: La dama bianca / The white lady (Regents Street, London, United Kingdom)(Buon Natale!!!/Merry Christamas!!!)
S O P H A I: Commercial port sunset
CvK Photography: Purple Heather, Netherlands
caqlarsn: IMG_20170812_234711_159
Alexandr Tikki: Antique smoothieria