Camille :): Day 17
Joel Robison: Travel Light
nikki chicoine.: Homemaker
Daniel Sanculi: Santa Cruz
michelle.k.: forgotten.
michelle.k.: It is not what you first think. There is no effort of will, no firm resolve in the face of this thing called living. There is only paying attention to the quiet each morning, while you hold your cup in the cool air & then that moment you choose to spread
michelle.k.: Ten years and two hours ago she #jumped into my life. Thank you Sash for every laugh, smile, word and even tears you've given me. You made me a mother. You showed me the world isn't a bad place and you gave me hope. YOU made me a better person with that f
RedArt photographer: trash in the morning
SidhArcheR: Rules~!
{amanda}: Birthday girl
michelle.k.: a decade.
michelle.k.: las vegas on fire
michelle.k.: Time stands still best in moments that look suspiciously like ordinary life.
michelle.k.: The fire is almost out.
IrenaS: The Road Trip
Bryan_Chavez: 178/365 Untitled
{amanda}: Kisses for mama
michelle.k.: Once there was a girl who only did things that made her happy. The only time she wasn't happy was when she forgot that she only did things that made her happy. The End.
michelle.k.: a magical kind if day.
michelle.k.: There are 2 things I remember best, she said. Beauty & all the times people insulted me, so getting older has been kind of a roller-coaster ride
RedArt photographer: until the last bottle
michelle.k.: Smoking kills.
michelle.k.: summertime
michelle.k.: decided early on that she wanted independence more than she wanted love & it took her half her life to figure out she could have had both
{amanda}: Everyday socks
michelle.k.: My life would be fine, she said, if they'd all stop judging me. She paused for a moment. & if I stopped agreeing with them, she added.