Sprengben: Hannover Rathaus
Photographed by Janette Cassidy: Sunset over the Dove Lake Boat Shed
Photographed by Janette Cassidy: Coles Bay, Tasmania
Photographed by Janette Cassidy: Helensburgh Tunnel Sydney, NSW
Photographed by Janette Cassidy: SS Ayrfield Homebush Bay
stacey catherine: pink daisy love
DLizbinski: Peyto Lake - Banff Canada
ildikólaskay: Spring Purple
Steven Olmstead: Early morning reflections
MTSOfan: Released
alexschoenberg: Rakotzbrücke
.Randy.: Reflection of cityscape
Jeff Dyck: Landooz Pond Red-necked Phalarope
Mureau A (off): The fuchsia and the butterfly
raypainter: Stay Away From My Poop 2
Martha de Jong-Lantink: Eurasian Bullfinch (male) - Goudvink (man) (Pyrrhula pyrrhula)
Gary Neave.: Keeping in the flowers. HFF ( Explore 5/8/16 )
geno k: Bay-breasted warbler
Daniel.Peter: Sunflower Sunset
West Leigh: Sky Stories