clausterrible: Qui dove il mare luccica... Here where the sea shines...
Jeff Sullivan ( My First Mono Lake Moon Rise as a Local
Mark Griffith: The Mighty Rainier
SoulRiser: bloodmoon 2015
shutter_se7en: Carefully, he considered his response to Mr. Robot. #wearejuxt #wearegrryo #grryo #cafe #coffee #streetphotography #street #caffeine
elam2010: 4.19 AM.
SoulRiser: ducks in the dam :)
shutter_se7en: Sunday service in the 4th ward. #wearejuxt #wearegrryo #grryo #fourthward #4thward #houston #houstoncity #houstongram #igtexas #igofhouston #igershouston #service #sunday #freedmanstown