lorrie_b@prodigy.net: Cutting the cake firefighter style (with an axe)
lorrie_b@prodigy.net: Cutting the cake firefighter style (with an axe)
lorrie_b@prodigy.net: Waiting for cookies
lorrie_b@prodigy.net: Precious grandson
lorrie_b@prodigy.net: Drinks by candle light
lorrie_b@prodigy.net: In a helicopter over Arizona
lorrie_b@prodigy.net: After the rain
lorrie_b@prodigy.net: Ventura Beach CA
lorrie_b@prodigy.net: Super Scooper in Southern California
lorrie_b@prodigy.net: Wedding shoes
lorrie_b@prodigy.net: She said YES!!
lorrie_b@prodigy.net: Wedding Shoes
lorrie_b@prodigy.net: Snorkeling in St Lucia
lorrie_b@prodigy.net: Blueberry Blossoms
lorrie_b@prodigy.net: Lucy still loves leaves 8weeks vs 4yrs
lorrie_b@prodigy.net: Lucy still loves leaves 8weeks vs 4yrs