Cardifolderol: Winter trees against the blue
Cardifolderol: Winter trees at sunset
Cardifolderol: Winter sunset trees
Cardifolderol: Sunset trees
Cardifolderol: Blackbird before sunset in sycamore
Cardifolderol: Wintry clouds in the west
Cardifolderol: 95.5% full waxing gibbous Moon through the Eucalyptus gunnii
Cardifolderol: 95.5% full waxing gibbous Moon through the Eucalyptus gunnii
Cardifolderol: 95.5% full waxing gibbous Moon through the Eucalyptus gunnii
Cardifolderol: 95.5% full waxing gibbous Moon through the Eucalyptus gunnii
Cardifolderol: Maungy, mardy winter South Yorkshire morning, with added Magpie to inject some cheeky quirky joy!
Cardifolderol: Sun sinking behind trees and trails
Cardifolderol: Sinking South Yorkshire sun tangled in contrails and sycamore twigs
Cardifolderol: Afternoon looking south
Cardifolderol: Winter afternoon sun over Wickersley
Cardifolderol: January afternoon sunshine
Cardifolderol: Blue Tit in the Berberis
Cardifolderol: Pigeon power: Wood Pigeons up in the birch
Cardifolderol: Frosty garden
Cardifolderol: Sunset and sycamore
Cardifolderol: Winter trees: deciduous and coniferous
Cardifolderol: Foggy January
Cardifolderol: Crow crowning the conifer
Cardifolderol: Winter trees (pinhole)
Cardifolderol: Raindrops and sunshine
Cardifolderol: Sunny tree trunks
Cardifolderol: Winter cloud roll in the east
Cardifolderol: Last February sunrise 0f the winter 2017 behind Wickersley Wood
Cardifolderol: Feb 28th sunrise behind Wickersley Wood, South Yorkshire
Cardifolderol: Feb sunrise through Wickersley Wood closeup