Cardifolderol: Hedgehog - cute crunching in the night
Cardifolderol: Hedgehog - cute crunching in the night
Cardifolderol: Dunnock triggering webcam at 10.46pm
Cardifolderol: Fox and Hedgehog 2 feet from back door - footage from my wildest dreams!
Cardifolderol: Fox and Hedgehog 2 feet from back door - footage from my wildest dreams!
Cardifolderol: Hedgehog nocturnal visit
Cardifolderol: Thirsty fox on trailcam
Cardifolderol: Wings across the weather
Cardifolderol: Hedgehog scratching and shaking its prickles
Cardifolderol: Random cat in the night
Cardifolderol: Hedgehog - when you get that unreachable itch, try to scratch it, overbalance, then try to pass it off as if you meant to perform a little shimmy
Cardifolderol: Hedgehog - deep breath, now jump!
Cardifolderol: Hedgehog visits
Cardifolderol: Hedgehog visits
Cardifolderol: Hedgehog visits
Cardifolderol: Sunrise over Wickersley Wood
Cardifolderol: Hedgehog visits night of 23rd/24th October 2021
Cardifolderol: Hedgehog visits night of 23rd/24th October 2021
Cardifolderol: Hedgehog visits night of 23rd/24th October 2021
Cardifolderol: Hedgehog visits night of 23rd/24th October 2021
Cardifolderol: Hedgehog visits night of 23rd/24th October 2021
Cardifolderol: Hedgehog visits night of 23rd/24th October 2021
Cardifolderol: Hedgehog visits night of 23rd/24th October 2021
Cardifolderol: Hedgehog visits night of 23rd/24th October 2021
Cardifolderol: Hedgehog visits night of 23rd/24th October 2021
Cardifolderol: Hedgehog visits night of 23rd/24th October 2021
Cardifolderol: Hedgehog visits night of 23rd/24th October 2021
Cardifolderol: Hedgehog visits night of 23rd/24th October 2021
Cardifolderol: Hedgehog visits night of 23rd/24th October 2021
Cardifolderol: Hedgehog visits night of 23rd/24th October 2021