Cardifolderol: First snow of 2019
Cardifolderol: First snow of 2019
Cardifolderol: Dark skies over Wickersley - back end of Storm Freya
Cardifolderol: 'Hail' & well met! #weather
Cardifolderol: 'Hail' & well met! #weather
Cardifolderol: Sun through rainy window
Cardifolderol: Spring evening clouds
Cardifolderol: Spring evening clouds
Cardifolderol: March sunset trails
Cardifolderol: March sunset trails
Cardifolderol: March sunset trails
Cardifolderol: Afternoon clouds
Cardifolderol: Afternoon clouds
Cardifolderol: All *hail*! May the Fourth be with you!
Cardifolderol: All *hail*! May the Fourth be with you!
Cardifolderol: All *hail*! May the Fourth be with you!
Cardifolderol: Birds weren't using the spa facilities for all of five minutes, so thought you lovely lot might like its cooling bubbledom in this exhaustipating heatliness. You're welcome! 😅
Cardifolderol: What, no purple? Ladies who lunch in the Seven Seas chippery on the hottest day in recorded history! (Allegedly!)