Cardifolderol: 7th May Thrybergh Country Park: Mallard (Anas Platyrhynchos) pair
Cardifolderol: 7th May Thrybergh Country Park: Sunlight on the reservoir
Cardifolderol: 7th May Thrybergh Country Park: Distant view of St Leonard's steeple
Cardifolderol: 7th May Thrybergh Country Park: View across reservoir
Cardifolderol: 7th May Thrybergh Country Park: Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus)
Cardifolderol: 7th May Thrybergh Country Park: Great Crested Grebe
Cardifolderol: 7th May Thrybergh Country Park: Cootling (Fulica atra)
Cardifolderol: 7th May Thrybergh Country Park: family of Coots
Cardifolderol: 7th May Thrybergh Country Park: Cootling swimming lesson
Cardifolderol: 7th May Thrybergh Country Park: Cootling being fed
Cardifolderol: 7th May Thrybergh Country Park: Cootling scootling
Cardifolderol: 7th May Thrybergh Country Park: Cootlings scootlings
Cardifolderol: 7th May Thrybergh Country Park: Cootlings on the water
Cardifolderol: 7th May Thrybergh Country Park: Across the water
Cardifolderol: 7th May Thrybergh Country Park: Mute Swans (Cygnus olor) on the nest
Cardifolderol: 7th May Thrybergh Country Park: Pipe near the reservoir
Cardifolderol: 7th May Thrybergh Country Park: Horsetails/Snake Grass/Puzzlegrass (Equisetum) & Mayflower/Cuckoo Flower/Lady's Smock (Cardamine pratensis)
Cardifolderol: 7th May Thrybergh Country Park: Coot (Fulica atra) on nest
Cardifolderol: 7th May Thrybergh Country Park: Male Chaffinch on path
Cardifolderol: 7th May Thrybergh Country Park: Crow (Corvus corone) by the water
Cardifolderol: 7th May Thrybergh Country Park: Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus)
Cardifolderol: 7th May Thrybergh Country Park: Lapwing aka Peewit (Vanellus vanellus) having a good scratch
Cardifolderol: 7th May Thrybergh Country Park: Lapwing having fun by the water
Cardifolderol: 7th May Thrybergh Country Park: Coot (Fulica atra) swimming
Cardifolderol: 7th May Thrybergh Country Park: Coot making ripples
Cardifolderol: 7th May Thrybergh Country Park: Pied Wagtail (Motacilla alba) near the cafe
Cardifolderol: 7th May Thrybergh Country Park: Pied Wagtail foraging near cafe
Cardifolderol: 7th May Thrybergh Country Park: Pied Wagtail (Motacilla alba) clearing up
Cardifolderol: 7th May Thrybergh Country Park: Pied Wagtail enjoying itself near cafe
Cardifolderol: 7th May Thrybergh Country Park: Pied Wagtail being waggly and pied near the cafe