greatbritten66: Forgot to show you the block from hohenbrunnerquilterin I love it!!
greatbritten66: Finally received my last blocks for the scrappytriparound the world! Yeah! Thanks Lynn and Charlotte!
greatbritten66: Finally received my last blocks for the scrappytriparound the world! Yeah! Thanks Lynn and Charlotte!
greatbritten66: Scrappy Trip around the World Round 10 Hive 2
greatbritten66: Nothing better than some green mail on a grey day 😄 #scrappytriparoundtheworld #scrappytripbee
greatbritten66: Another wonderful #scrappytriparoundtheworld #scrappytripbee block. Love it! Can't wait to get it together after this round!
greatbritten66: Pillow swap 4 seasons - fall ! I received my wonderful pillow from Karin yesterday. Thank you so much ! Can't believe you made this tiny lacery heart. Unbelievable.
greatbritten66: #ps4s #pillowswapfourseasons #pillowswap4seasons one quarter of the top is done.
greatbritten66: #pillowswapfourseasons finally starting to puzzle #ps4s
greatbritten66: #scrappytriparoundtheworld #scrappytripbee thanks for the wonderful block Lynn!
greatbritten66: Hey partner! Can you go with me and these beauties for your pillow? And do you like some little squares?
greatbritten66: #scrappytriparoundtheworld #scrappytripbee last one in this round goes out to Lynn
greatbritten66: #scrappytriparoundtheworld #scrappytripbee Laurie made my day 😊
greatbritten66: #scrappytriparoundtheworld #scrappytripbee @appliqueensal hope you like it . In the mail tomorrow.
greatbritten66: #scrappytriparoundtheworld #scrappytripbee for @lauramcjohncraft hope you like it. In the mail tomorrow.
greatbritten66: #scrappytriparoundtheworld #scrappytripbee for Pat. Hope the mail is fast.
greatbritten66: #scrappytriparoundtheworld #scrappytripalong for Laurie. Sorry I'm late. In the mail tomorrow.
greatbritten66: Even more #happymail arrived. Here my wonderful shiny #scrappytripbee block from Pat. Need to check if she's on instagram.
greatbritten66: Pillow swap 4 seasons. Fall.
greatbritten66: PS4S done! It's a cm more than it has to be, so not so plump. Should I sew a little frame or leave it this way,partner?
greatbritten66: #happymailday #beehivequilts #thebeehivequiltswarmsiobhan yeah! Final block for my #wantafanta ! Thank you so much @mailfromcheekymonkey !!!
greatbritten66: PS4S 2nd possibility. What do you think about this combination? I'm thinking over some little spiderweb blocks. What do you think?
greatbritten66: Scrappy trip around the world R8H1 Hey @barbschaus!!! Thanks for your wonderful block! It will accomplish the other oned perfect!
greatbritten66: Pillow swap 4 seasons - summer I have to admit that I'm a little bit struggling this time. So let's see if we can get closer step by step. Step 1: fabrics. Do you like my pull? Should I leave something out or add anything? I think the top one should be t
greatbritten66: #beehivequilts #beehiveswarmsiobhan I received another wonderful #wantafantablock #wantafanta from @craftyisispx ! I love it! And here you see my very first ever Love patchwork & quilting magazine! What fun! Great Idea, will steal it... thank you so much
greatbritten66: #happymailday #scrappytriparoundtheworldbee #scrappytriparoundtheworld #scrappytripbee thank you Melissa!!
greatbritten66: #happymailday @myprettywildlife and another so so perfect block!!! Love the keychain,too. Thank you so much!!
greatbritten66: #happymailday woohoo!!! @cathyewbank what a wonderful block. And obviously I did onla get one piece of chocolat. Can't find it anywhere. #blagen thank you so much, love the pincushion! Starting a collection!
greatbritten66: @shevvyrox you spoiled me. Speechless.
greatbritten66: Celine sent a wonderful block